What Is Your Vision for Romance?

This is something that I didn’t do last year but thought it would be a fun addition to the challenge.

This is my visual interpretation of what the challenge of romance looks like for me.

You can create your vision anyway you like – if you love drawing, draw your vision, if you prefer words, write. 

If you’re like me and love sticking and pasting, grab your glue and magazines, rip out what grabs your attention, then start to play around with it on the page. 

Be playful and child like. Explore combinations and see what happens! 

I find something magical occurs when I do this, and I’m often surprised by what shows up.

There are no rules, just go with the flow – make it a full on sensory experience if you’re so inspired: play some sensuous music, light a candle, diffuse your favourite essential oil, have a little plate of something indulgent to hand (chocolate anyone?!). Create a bubble of delight to set the tone for the challenge.

And of course, after you’re done, pop over to the forum and tell us all about it! Show and tell for the win – other people are so inspiring, and often give us a complete new perspective on things.

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